Welcome To The Salvation Army Hutt City Corps Website
Kia ora Lower Hutt Community. If you need to contact Hutt City Salvation Army office and Community Centre please call (04) 570 0273 between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday.
The Food Bank is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30am to 11.30am. Click on "Food Bank" in the red menu bar above for more info.
Hutt City Corps exists to bring people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Together we want this to be a place where you can enjoy, belong and participate.
Whether you're a spiritual seeker just starting to ask questions about God, or a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ, all are welcome at Hutt City Corps! We are all on a spiritual journey and we all have the same basic needs.
For example, the need to know we’re loved and accepted unconditionally, the need for meaningful relationships with one another and with God, and the need to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We have discovered and continue to discover that the love and grace of God makes a difference in our lives!
Hutt City Corps is representative of God’s family around the world - we are glad that the diversity among us in age, race and circumstances adds to our sense of family, as we worship God and work and celebrate together. All are welcome here.